Mum & Dad to HONGKONG without ME!
Mum and Dad didn't bring me along to HK as planned as I was down with some virus. So, they cancelled the Disneyland and forfeited my air-ticket....WASTED!!!!Here's some pix they took.....LOOK at this,....Mum is enjoying the roasted goose drum!!!!.....she tabao back to the hotel room and ENJOY!!!!...heehee :D
This is the local food which Mum sure will eat each time she's there.....the curry fishball, etc etc. YUMMY!!!!!
Tian Ping at Xu Liu San.........
BirdsNest with Hashima in Coconut!!!!
My New Siblings....BROTHER!!!!
Daddy and Mummy went for check-up on 12th Jan 2007. Baby is growing well and healthy. The edd is now on 6/6/07.Here it goes.....*************************Nurse : (called name) JessieMummy : OKDr Lee : How are you feeling? Let me take your blood pressure,(after check, and everything is normal). OK, let's check on the baby and see the progress.*Mummy went to the bed and nurse helps to get ready* Shortly after, Dr Lee came in.Dr Lee : Let's see the baby now......See, this is the baby's head, baby is growing very well. Here is the head, here is the hands (can see baby playing and waving), this is the buttock and the legs.Mummy : Can try to see the gender?Dr Lee : See whether baby co-operates, let's try. You turn side-way, and we will try there.Mummy : OK.Dr Lee : Here, see the legs are wide open.Mummy : STOP!!!! I can see a BIRD!!!!Daddy : (eyes open big big and smile)Dr Lee : (pointing to the part) you can figure out what is this? Yes. Very high chance is a boy.Daddy : Aiyo, no Ho-fun for supper next time.Dr Lee : (laugh) well, all your Ho-Fun goes to the other side of the family lor.Nurse : Nevermind lah, try #3 for a girl.Mummy : NO!!!! I will stop at 2.******************************hahahhaa............end of story!!! ;)
My New Maid
Mummy has went to select and choose a new maid for me.She started work on 29th Dec 2006. Now she's been with us for abt 1 week.Mummy been staying home everyday to teach and train her......cos Mum wants maid to follow her style. Well, you should be asking how is she doing and performing now...right?hmm,....I think it's still too early to comment at this point as she just started,.....but, ofcoz the previous maid is much smarter cos that maid got experience in SIN for 3 years,....whereas this new maid is fresh to SIN. So, we can't compare lah.Nevertheless,......I will ask Mummy take a pix of her and let all of you see here....hahaha :DNot to forget,....her name is : difficult to call, Grandma and Daddy has decided to call her Sally!!!!....What a cute name!!!Look out for my new updates.cheers
Wishing all pals a very HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007!!!!Wish all healthy, Stay Happy & Wealth!!!!