Wednesday, March 30, 2005

2nd week - at NICU

my 2nd week at the hospital.
daddy and mummy visits me daily without fail.
doctor says i can go home once i am 2kg and able to drink on my own. I am already working very hard.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

1st week - at NICU

I am one-week old now!
daddy and mummy visits me everyday with the precious breastmilk, and mummy *kangaroo* me whenever she's here. I love the warm and secure feel.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Day 2 - at NICU

my left arm still on drip and still on tube feeding as I still do not know how to drink milk on my own. the nurses and doctor helps me alot.

daddy comes in to see me every couple of hours to take pictures to show mummy as she's still on bed and pain pain!

Day 1 - My Unexpected Arrival

My early and unexpected surprised arrival!
Weight : 1.82kg
Date : 13th March 2005
Time : 1820hours

mummy was making request for dinner menu and daddy was on his way to hospital with the *roast chicken* when I wants to make a sudden early arrival.

mummy was wheeled into operating theatre at 1800hours, and I'm out in less then 15mins. daddy followed the doctor and nurse to the NICU to take this beautiful 1st picture of ME!

Thank you daddy and mummy for bringing me to this wonderful world! I LOVE YOU!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mummy in Hospital

mummy in hospital on 3rd March 2005.
Started having contraction pain at 2.30am, but admitted at 11.00am.
Stayed in Mt.Alvenia Hospital's Delivery Suite from 3rd-13th March 2005.

poor mummy....she was on drip for 10 DAYS!!!! *Ouch*!!!! pain pain!!!!!